Saturday, June 6, 2020

Loneliness, Stress & Stigma

                      Loneliness, Stress and Stigma 

    What is Loneliness?

Loneliness is the belongingness to the self, though a compelling thought that makes us suffer in the midst of all detains our mind with the pain of aloneness. It's the foundation of staying away from true relationship, though it itself seeks for true love in the hope of getting mental satisfaction and true consolation. A darkened state, it is that puts forward an errand of non-confidence, unreliability and mistrust.

What do we feel when we become mentally alone?

    Loneliness is inescapable but necessary; it transfigures into a defenseless longing. It can be a prison from where we imagine the previous outer world but we can't inhabit there. It's a bodily and heartfelt ache that fathoms our ability to tolerate aloneness ; it is possible to human beings because of our capability to imagine the past events but no other creature do not have this ability. Animals may also feel alone when they're instructed to follow a particular way, move affectionately with them who are of their kind but human beings demand only that specific life that they may be missing.

Loneliness, Stress and Stigma

  Is Loneliness the essence of isolation?

  Loneliness is the gravitational field that grasps and keeps us to put in the essence of its isolation. At this moment our soul gets dissected and we need someone to solace and relieve us by magnifying those memorable moments. An invitation to the vulnerable and helpless imprisoned world is made to us that gradually fills the ground of our mind with the sense of impossibility over any work. Loneliness can also give birth to courage that helps us create an identity to ourselves. Each one must feel the pain of loneliness that may give birth to any creative work. Sometimes we want to be loner (one who avoids company) to listen the voice of our own and give real attention to the voice of our hearts. To allow ourselves to be alone is an attempt to face the truth of our irremediable singularity; as if we are made to belong in this state. We feel alone, therefore we exist.


Stress is a mental pressure or disturbance that is caused by some unwanted violent condition. Stress is a mental response to the self-belongingness that grasps one's attention over any pressure. We all have "Stress hormones (cortical, adrenaline and noradrenalin) prepare the body to fight or flee." Our "breath quickens, heart beats faster, senses are sharpened (sight and hearing), the individual become more alert, certain blood vessels constrict, which helps direct blood to the muscles and the brain and away from the skin and other organs." (Christos, 2015) The impact of loneliness stress and self-isolation imposed by pandemic situation puts an emphasis on the mental and physical health.

Affects of Loneliness, Stress and Stigma

   Life is full of ups and downs. We sometimes suffer from mental pain, agony, anxiety, depression, frustration, failures and physical pain & so on. This short time of mental stress, stigma can bring a violent affect on us. For example, during the pandemic outbreak so many people died, became jobless, suffered from trauma because of financial insecurity, unhygienic lifestyles, fear of social contagion etc. In this post-covid period, people suffer from the reasons as it was earlier. Sometimes we become angry without having any proper reasons. We misbehave with them when someone talks against our views. 

The natural flow of human civilization is determined by the position of man as a social being. The greatest and most emblematic acts of human civilization are human generosity and mankind. Millions of people are suffering from Mental pain or agony. There is a big difference between loneliness and being alone. Loneliness means that someone needs company of others but S/he is alone. Being alone means that someone is enjoying his/her own company. Loneliness makes us mentally, emotionally stressed.

Importantance of Loneliness or Being alone

Loneliness refers to the subjective feeling of isolation, disconnection, or lack of companionship. It is a universal human experience that can be triggered by a range of circumstances, such as social isolation, loss of a loved one, or feeling misunderstood by others. Loneliness is often associated with negative emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, and depression, and can have significant impacts on mental health and well-being.

Loneliness can be distinguished from social isolation, which refers to the objective state of having few social connections or interactions with others. While social isolation can contribute to feelings of loneliness, it is possible to feel lonely even when surrounded by people. This is because loneliness is a subjective experience that is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the quality of social connections and the degree of emotional support that one receives from others.

Loneliness is a complex phenomenon that has been studied from a range of perspectives, including psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Some researchers have proposed that loneliness is a fundamental human emotion that serves an adaptive function by motivating individuals to seek social connections and support. Others have suggested that loneliness is a symptom of social and cultural changes that have eroded traditional forms of social connection, such as family and community ties.

There are a variety of strategies that individuals can use to cope with feelings of loneliness, including seeking out social connections, engaging in activities that bring a sense of purpose and meaning, and practicing self-compassion and self-care. Counseling and therapy can also be helpful for individuals who are struggling with loneliness and its associated mental health challenges.

Resolution of Mental Stress and Stigma, Loneliness 

There are so many remedies that we can apply in our daily lives. It's not as difficult as we think about. We can get rid of it by understanding the temporary situation we are going on and through our daily activities. 

1) Give time on what you like to do and what makes you feel happy.
2) Do your everyday work and exercise.
3) Spend time with your close ones.
4) If you can't express what kind of pain you are suffering, try to express all these on your diary or notebook. Whenever you will write something on your diary, you will definitely get mental satisfaction and relief from the pain.
5) Try to understand what makes you feel anxiety and then find out its reasons from the root and try to diagnose it.
6) Take consultation from a psychologist who can give remedies of this mental illness.
7) spend time on writing books, poems, singing songs and your creative work so that you will get mental relief. 
8) Each and every problem is temporary. What we think a big problem at a particular time period makes you feel easy at the next moment. It is a temporary phase. Just keep in mind that time is the healing balm that soothes you at the next time period.
9) We have heard a proverb "Time and Tide wait for none." This proverb functions as remedy of our thoughts. Time and tide flow in its own way and carry all the contaminated things with its flow. Time carries all the past experiences and its attached memories. Ultimately we get relief from the pain.
10) Life is short-lived. We should not get worried of those things too much.

Brutal killing of George Floyd

Buffalo News: Brutal killing of George Floyd

 Incident of the brutal killing of George Floyd

      The most fatal and brutal news is the painful murder of George Floyd, who is a 46 year old black man. This thrilling news seems to be reminding us of racism. He was arrested on the accusation of buying cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill at Minneapolis market on 25th May. After this a squad came and tortured him. Each country has a legislative law of punishing the accused person but the police men have no authority to kill him until they're not ordered. On the security camera footage, it got caught that a 44 aged old police man named Derek Chauvin put him on the ground with his knee against George's neck for more than 8 minutes while he was handcuffed and George became unconscious out of this excessive pain. George begged his life with the words" I can't breathe" during the brutal torture. Many people eyewitnessed of the incident at that time and asked them to relief but they didn't do. Then around 8:30 p.m an ambulance was called to admit him on the hospital and after reaching there it was announced that he was dead. This news and the videos  made over the torturing time are broadcasted widely. A complaint was filed aginst those police men who are responsible of this brutality.

       A brutal murder of George Floyd
   The clear response of the nationwide outcry on George's death is viewed  among the people who have really felt that this is an injustice done to him. The picture is a clear evidence of  sucking the black man's life and a gradual pushing towards the fatal death by the police man. He did all this along with other three policemen. This incident has skirmished an environment of riot with the reference of reform movement that "Black lives matter". Thousands of people protested against this and the U.S. govt tried to overpower them  in silence by using rubber bullets and stone gas.

         Protest on George's fatal murder

        Floyd's cousin stated that the police men are supposed to be there to protect and serve and they didn't do anything while he was begging his life. The four police officers who were involved into this cruelest killing  were fired from their job. The protest demands for the justice of Floyd's killing. Even before two months, Breonna Taylor, an African American woman was killed roughly by Louisville police and that news also has been  highlighted during the protest. It is the voice of the people who think that they're not at all safe and also the voice of them who may be the next victims.

History behind Racism

The history of racism is complex and multifaceted, and its roots can be traced back to ancient societies. However, in the modern world, racism has been shaped by a range of historical and social factors.

One of the most significant historical factors contributing to racism was the transatlantic slave trade. Beginning in the 16th century, European powers began capturing and enslaving Africans to work in plantations and mines in the Americas. This system of slavery was deeply entrenched in notions of racial hierarchy and superiority, with white Europeans believing that they were naturally superior to black Africans. The legacy of this system of slavery continues to shape the experiences of people of African descent today, both in the Americas and globally.

Another historical factor contributing to racism was the rise of colonialism and imperialism in the 19th and early 20th centuries. European powers established colonies around the world, including in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and used racialized ideologies to justify their subjugation and exploitation of indigenous peoples. This colonial legacy has had lasting impacts on the economic, social, and political structures of colonized societies, and has contributed to ongoing racial inequalities and tensions.

In addition, the history of racism is shaped by a range of social and cultural factors, including stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. These attitudes and behaviors are often reinforced by media and popular culture, and can be perpetuated through intergenerational transmission and socialization.

While progress has been made in challenging and dismantling racist systems and attitudes, racism continues to be a pervasive and persistent issue in modern society. Addressing racism requires ongoing effort and commitment to social justice and equity, and involves addressing not only individual attitudes and behaviors, but also the larger social and structural factors that contribute to racial inequalities.

  If you go through the history, we can see how the colonizers took control upon the colonized people. Here this real incident is showing us racism and its aggressiveness. The torture of the colonizers had always been very aggressive. The history of colonization that we read in our books is all based on racism. The economically and socially powerful contries have taken authorised upon the under developed countries of Africa and Asia from the 17 th century. Britain, France and other European powerful countries spread their imperialistic attributes upon the Asian and African Countries. Their ruling have still made people afraid of racism.