Saturday, November 19, 2022

The fear of being haunted

The fear of being Haunted

The fear of being haunted 

Haunt is an unparalleled fear that continues its own state of belongingness. We become afraid of carrying an untouchable presence in the form of absence. A continuous fear of getting Haunted creates a ghost like appearance inside our mind in a disappeared form. What haunts us is something that seeks its own disappearence. Haunt is an unspeakable visitation that emblems an unbearable icon of disappearence. We demand to exorcise the unwanted spirit that has created a possession inside our mind.

What haunts us seeks its own disappearence.

No path is haunted. It's our inner thought that makes us haunted.

Why do we feel haunted?

   The fear of Ghost like thinking or the fear of haunted mind is the measure of absence. Haunted makes a completely doubtful stage between an unreal design and non existence. The moment we feel haunted we force ourselves to put in a gathering encounter only to avoid our afraidness. Different kinds of supernatural ideals or thinking come to our mind to feel the gap of unmundane fear. When we suffer an internal phobia of having a ghost, we look at the mirror to see ourselves. We locate ourselves for our mistakes what we did till that time and try to console ourselves of never doing mistakes anymore. But the fact is that what leads us towards our haunted like feeling is our subconsciousness. This fear possesses both subconscious and unconscious mind. This fear can be eradicated only when we avoid thinking of being alone and keep ourselves busy in our conscious mind. We need not synthesize any negativity related to ghost like haunted feeling.

Feeling haunted, or experiencing a sense of fear, unease, or discomfort due to a perceived presence or memory of something unsettling or distressing, can be influenced by various factors, including:

 1) Past traumatic experiences: 

Individuals who have experienced trauma, such as abuse, violence, or loss, may feel haunted by the memories or emotions associated with those experiences. Traumatic memories can be intrusive and persistent, leading to distressing thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks that can create a sense of being haunted by the past.

 2) Unresolved emotions: 

Unresolved emotions, such as grief, guilt, or regret, can also contribute to feeling haunted. When emotions related to a past event or experience are not fully processed or acknowledged, they can linger and manifest as a haunting sensation, impacting an individual's emotional well-being.

 3) Psychological factors: 

Psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions, can influence the experience of feeling haunted. These conditions can affect an individual's perception, emotions, and thoughts, leading to a heightened sense of fear, unease, or distress.

 4) Belief in the supernatural: 

Some individuals may attribute the feeling of being haunted to a belief in the supernatural or paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts, spirits, or other supernatural beings. Cultural, religious, or personal beliefs can shape an individual's perception and interpretation of their experiences, leading to a sense of being haunted by supernatural entities.

 5) Environmental triggers: 

Environmental triggers, such as being in a location associated with a past traumatic event, or encountering familiar objects or symbols related to distressing memories, can evoke feelings of being haunted. These triggers can activate memories and emotions associated with the past, leading to a sense of unease or discomfort.

 6) Imagination and perception: 

Human imagination and perception can play a role in feeling haunted. Our minds can create vivid and compelling images or sensations, and our perception can be influenced by various factors, such as stress, fatigue, or heightened emotional states, which can contribute to a feeling of being haunted even in the absence of any actual external presence or threat.

It's important to note that feeling haunted is a subjective experience and can vary greatly from person to person. If you are experiencing distress or discomfort related to feeling haunted, it may be helpful to seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional to better understand and manage these emotions

How is the feeling of being haunted created?

  In our holidays, we read many haunted stories, watch haunted movies, serials etc. After reading and watching those haunted stories or movies, our brain gets filled with the haunted thoughts. We suddenly get feared when we stay at home alone. For example, when we go through the forest in the evening time, we get afraid of the sounds of carnivorous and omnivorous animals. This haunt creates a stigma mark on our mind. Each and every person has a stigma incident in his life that creates a haunted thought.
Being haunted is necessary in the context of fearfulness. Many people get scared of haunted movies, pictures, icons and so many things. We read novels of ghost Stories, gothic fictional books, haunted palace stories.

How can we  out of haunted thoughts?

Being haunted is a psychological thought. Each one needs to face it.
1) Being haunted is a mental state where we imagine something like ghost in the form of disappearance. For example when you go to the bed at night after watching a Haunted movie, it seems to us that there is something under the bed but when we will look at the below portion of a bed, there's nothing.
2) The fear of being haunted depends on how many times we face a Haunted situation. The moment we first watch a Haunted movie we become fearful but at the next moment when we see another movie our fear becomes less than the previous one.
3) The thought is very important because the fear of being haunted depends on how we are thinking and how we are taking the things that make us feel scared of.
4) we have so many superstitious thoughts that makes us feel fearful of the forth coming situations. To get rid of these things, we need to make us very practical and pragmatic. We should be out of this superstitious thoughts which are actually meaningless.
5) The fear of being Haunted is a momentary thought. It comes in a moment when we think about something fearful.
  For example, in a gloomy and darkened weather, people are getting Haunted and keep hope for the next day's rising 🌞 sun.

The moment we feel the fear of being haunted, we try to go through the situation that makes us feel haunted. It comes in our mind in a spontaneous way. 

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