Friday, November 11, 2022

How can we control our anger

     How can we control our anger?

 What is Anger?

        Anger  is the violent outer response of unwillingness. What we call anger is the deepest form of love and care from where we are ignored. It's a word that stands by itself to denote our coherent incapacity to control ourselves. Each person tries to control his anger at the specific time but couldn't be able to do this. It illuminates our deepest intension of taking revenge upon them who hurt us. This anger is a clear response to our incapability to do anything against the corruption, our powerlessness, our unwillingness to work. Anger becomes the most inevitable state until our mind does not get consoled of what we desire to listen.


Our life is a long story full of anger, sorrow and suffering that signifies nothing. Anger is the consequence of breaking promise that is intolerable, especially in the subject of love, friendship, family etc. Violent anger blocks all the roads of our imagination, alternative thinking approach and another perspective way to look upto the solutions. We get angry only when something unwanted or some unexpected things happen to us. Anger is the measurement of our weakness that, in the profound sense, represents our inner lack of control. It is the living flame of temporal presence that empowers our mind to take decisions perfectly and at the same time it creates a feeling of imprisonment. Sometimes anger carries obstancy with itself that may live long as permanent until the time of reaching towards its destination and it's desired one. A common fact is that we get angry when we have been insulted or abused by our nearest ones or outer once for a silly reason or for a reason from where we can be rectified and for this, we all need a clear understanding that must be vice-versa. Anger is our inside lacking management that may be harmful not only to us but also our surrounded ones and it must be controlled by ourselves. 

Why do we get angry?

We become angry for so many reasons. We all have different backgrounds behind each and every problem of our life. 
1) we all have different kinds of needs, dreams, thoughts to make them successful. When we couldn't reach there to achieve, we get frustrated and become a victim of failure.
2) some people are born with their innate quality of anger from their genetics. 
3) There are so many people who reacts their anger on the basis of their situation and timings. When it is necessary, they try to show it.
4) The most important thing is that we need to be angry because it should be common to each being. But it should have its own limitations.

Anger Management 

Anger management refers to a set of strategies and techniques aimed at helping individuals manage and control their anger in a healthy and productive way. Anger is a normal and natural human emotion, but it can become problematic if it is expressed in an unhealthy or destructive way.

There are several techniques and strategies that can be effective in managing anger, including:

1) Deep breathing and relaxation techniques: 

Taking deep breaths and using relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness meditation, can help to calm the body and reduce feelings of anger and tension.

2) Cognitive restructuring:

 This involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns that can contribute to feelings of anger and replacing them with more positive and constructive thoughts.

3) Communication skills: 

Learning effective communication skills, such as active listening and assertiveness, can help individuals express their needs and concerns in a clear and respectful way, reducing the likelihood of anger and conflict.

4) Problem-solving skills: 

Developing effective problem-solving skills can help individuals address the root causes of their anger and find constructive solutions to difficult situations.

5) Stress management:

 Managing stress can help to reduce feelings of anger and tension. Techniques such as exercise, relaxation, and time management can be effective in reducing stress levels.

It is important to note that anger management is a process and not a quick fix. It may take time and practice to learn and implement these strategies effectively. Additionally, if an individual's anger is causing significant distress or impacting their relationships or daily life, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional who can provide additional guidance and support.

How can we control our anger?
There are many ways through which we can control our anger.

1) Anger or being angry is natural and comes in response to a spontaneous way for the unwanted things. It's natural that we can be angry. But the moment we become angry in an excessive way it brings a harmful effect on others. So we should be very responsive towards our anger.

2) Being angry is a genetic systematical way. It may be carried through our gens from our ancestors. It can be controlled if we do meditations each and everyday in a regular manner. Controlling anger may build our characters also. 

3) Anger is the consequence of a breaking promise which is intolerable. For these reasons, we need to be very sensitive towards what we are doing and what others are doing with us.

Importance of Anger 

Anger, as an emotion, has both positive and negative aspects, and its importance can vary depending on the context in which it is experienced and expressed. Here are some points that highlight the significance of anger:

Emotional response: Anger is a normal and natural emotional response to perceived threats, injustices, or frustrations. It can serve as a signal that something is wrong or unfair, and can prompt action or change. Anger can help individuals express their feelings of dissatisfaction, assert their boundaries, and protect their rights.

Motivation for change: Anger can be a powerful motivator for change. It can spur individuals to take action, set boundaries, and assert themselves in challenging situations. Anger can provide the energy and drive needed to address perceived injustices or work towards resolving conflicts or issues.

Self-preservation: Anger can be an important mechanism for self-preservation. It can help individuals protect themselves from perceived threats or dangers. Anger can activate the "fight" response in the fight-or-flight response, which can be essential for survival in certain situations.

Communication: Anger can serve as a form of communication. It can be a way for individuals to express their emotions, needs, and concerns to others. Expressing anger can signal to others that a boundary has been crossed or that there is an issue that needs attention.

Boundary-setting: Anger can help individuals establish and maintain healthy boundaries. It can be a way to communicate and assert one's limits, values, and personal space. Anger can help individuals protect their well-being and prevent others from taking advantage of them.

Emotional awareness: Anger can also highlight underlying emotions and triggers. It can serve as a signal that there may be other emotions, such as hurt, fear, or frustration, that need to be addressed. By recognizing and understanding anger, individuals can gain insight into their emotions and take steps to manage them in healthy ways.

However, it is important to note that uncontrolled or excessive anger can have negative consequences, such as damaging relationships, causing harm to oneself or others, and affecting physical and mental health. It is crucial to learn healthy ways to manage anger, such as through effective communication, stress management, problem-solving, and seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals when needed.

In conclusion, anger can be an important emotion that serves various functions, including as a response to threats or injustices, a motivator for change, a form of communication, a tool for boundary-setting, and an avenue for emotional awareness. However, it is essential to manage anger in healthy ways to avoid potential negative consequences.

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