Sunday, April 14, 2024

"A Letter to God" by G.L.Fuentes

"A Letter to God" by G.L.Fuentes

Summary of "A Letter to God "

"A Letter to God" is a short story written by Mexican author Gregorio López y Fuentes. It revolves around a poor farmer named Lencho who suffers from a devastating hailstorm that destroys his crops. Desperate for help, Lencho writes a letter to God, asking for a hundred pesos to tide him over until the next harvest. He addresses the letter simply to "God, Heaven" and places it in the mail.

When the village postmaster reads the letter, he is moved by Lencho's faith and decides to gather money from the villagers to help him. The villagers, touched by the postmaster's initiative, contribute what they can, but it falls short of the hundred pesos Lencho requested.

The postmaster, wanting to maintain Lencho's faith in God, decides to send him a letter in response, which simply contains a message: "God's reply." Inside, the postmaster has included the remaining money collected from the villagers.

Lencho receives the letter and is initially disappointed to fin Question answers from "A Letter to God" d that the amount is less than he asked for. However, he soon becomes convinced that God has sent him the money directly, as he cannot imagine anyone else knowing about his situation. Lencho expresses his gratitude and faith in God, believing that the letter truly came from heaven.

The story is a simple yet profound exploration of faith, human kindness, and the power of belief in the face of adversity. It highlights themes of compassion, community, and the mysterious ways in which people find solace and support in times of need.

"A Letter to God "

Critical comment on "A Letter to God"

The text "A Letter to God" written by the Maxican author G.L. Fuentes is thought to be a story where faith revolves around God. It focuses on Lencho's thoughts where belief and disbelief both are justified. Lencho expects of the rainfall that would result in cultivating good crops but the sudden weather change has made the situation topsy-turvy. The hailstorm has destroyed most of the cultivated crops. Consequently he becomes very upset and is thinking how he can lead the family for the whole year. This incident shows topsy-turviness of Lencho. A sudden hailstorm has changed his way of livelihood for the whole year. But this incident could not make him feel loss of faith and power of belief. Rather he believes that anyhow God will help him. He goes to the post office and writes a letter to God. When the post master gets this letter, he becomes shocked because a person like Lenzo has this kind of superstitious faith. He collected some money from his employees and helps him by giving 70 pesos but the next moment when Lencho gets the money he thinks that there are some people who somehow have stolen the money. That's why he again writes a letter for the rest of the money. 
Here the author, through the text, not only highlights the power of faith and belief but also shows the vivid picture of common where people are dependent on Rain, sunshine to make livelihood proper. Lencho believes that the people who work hard to lead their livelihood, God will be there to aid them in the of their urgent need.

Question answers from "A Letter to God"
Here are 10 questions and answers based on the story "A Letter to God" by Gregorio Lopezy Fuentes:

Q: What is the main theme of "A Letter to God"?

A: The main theme revolves around faith, human nature, and the power of belief.

Q: Who is the protagonist of the story?

A: The protagonist is Lencho, a poor farmer who believes strongly in God's providence.

Q: Why does Lencho write a letter to God?

A: Lencho writes a letter to God because his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm, and he needs financial help to support his family.

Q: How does Lencho perceive God's ability to help him?

A: Lencho believes that God can provide him with the money he needs, so he writes a letter addressed directly to God and places it in the mailbox.

Q: What does Lencho ask for in his letter to God?

A: Lencho asks God for 100 pesos to help him and his family recover from the loss of their crops.

Q: What happens when the postmaster reads Lencho's letter?

A: The postmaster is touched by Lencho's faith and decides to take up a collection among the villagers to help him.

Q: What does the postmaster do after collecting the money?

A: The postmaster sends Lencho a letter with the money enclosed, but he signs it "God" to maintain Lencho's faith.

Q: How does Lencho react when he receives the letter from "God"?

A: Lencho is disappointed and believes that the postmaster stole the money, as he requested 100 pesos but only received 70.

Q: What does Lencho do after receiving the letter from "God"?

A: Lencho writes another letter to God, expressing his disappointment and disbelief in God's ability to provide for him.

Q: What is the irony in the story?

A: The irony lies in Lencho's unwavering faith in God, despite his doubt and disillusionment when he believes God did not fulfill his request, unaware that the postmaster acted as a vessel for God's help.

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