Saturday, December 24, 2022

Gender politics as a Literary Theory by Judith Butler

Gender politics as a Literary Theory by Judith Butler 

Gender politics in Judith Butler's Book Gender Trouble

Judith Butler's path breaking book Gender Trouble heralded a new introspection into the notion of gender identity. In her preface to the Gender Troubles, after ten years of success of the book, she in a new way, produces theory and a brief note on gender and subjectivity. Butler introduces or takes up feminism concerned with women and feels an element of emancipation on lurking in the very concern of the subject of women. The very question arises who is this woman and what is it that actually makes a woman. If feminism's basic notion is taken into concern, a woman is necessary to be a female and the one who has been marginalised and oppressed by patriarchy. Judith Butler claims that there is essential bias in feminism concerned with a dual factor with 'man and woman' having through obliteration and the third factor that is the 'others.' Butler considers this stance taken as the feminism and another form of exploitation whereas the third factor is recognised at all. Feminism's concern with women as the second sex or the second gender, too is not very appropriate. 

Gender Politics as a Literary Theory by Judith Butler 

Gender politics and Gender Trouble

Regarding this dichotomy between male and female, Butler claims that unlike in the statements that one is born with sex but assumes a gender because gender is culturally constructed. Judith Butler states that sex, too is culturally constructed. Like the gender, sex, according to her, is that factor which counts out of representation. According to her, sex does not precede identity, instead it is one's urge to be identified in a particular way. Sexuality is cultured for it is how a person identifies oneself. The moment a person is born, the space with surrounded of a being in forms the way with its identity. Here the first factor becomes the seats which signifies the biological aspect which gain the significance of maleness and femaleness. Here Butler provides an example in a manner that in case of a lesbian relationship when two women start a family of their own and move up on parenting, then one behaves like a dad and the other as mom. Here he shows how subject and adhere implication not to a particular gender but for his identification. Butler takes up this process of representation and this urge that any of the two poles of sexual identification privilege heterosexuality (predominantly taken to be normative.) 

Performance is very powerful act and the understanding of Butler has myth of identification, especially on dimension of sexuality. we are exactly what we wish to be. This thought brings zizek's notion whereby we believe that we look at the mirror but the image that we look at is actually what we form in our mind. Hear it must be said that this performance is not thoroughly what the person performed but the identity gets its 'reception'.

Gender politics

Gender politics refers to the political and social issues related to gender, particularly the ways in which gender shapes and is shaped by political and social structures, policies, and attitudes. This can include topics such as gender inequality, gender-based violence, reproductive rights, gender identity and expression, and discrimination based on gender.

Gender politics can play out in various spheres of life, including the workplace, education, healthcare, media, and government. It can also intersect with other social and political issues such as race, sexuality, and class.

There are different perspectives on gender politics, with some advocating for greater equality and recognition of gender diversity, and others pushing back against these changes. Debates and discussions around gender politics can be contentious, but they are important for promoting understanding and progress towards a more equitable and inclusive society.

Gender as Performative act

Butler's theory doesn't accept as stable and coherent, gender identity. According to Butler in Gender Trouble,  Gender is "a stylized repetition of acts... which are internally discontinuous... so that the appearance of substance is precious that a constructed identity, a performative accomplishment which the mundane social audience including the actors themselves, come to believe and perform in the mode of belief". To say that Gender is performative and gender is "the real only to the extent that it is performed." Butler argues that "the act that one does, the act that one performs is, in a sense, an act that has been going on before one arrived on the scene." [Gender Trouble] Butler criticizes that one of the central assumptions of feminist theory is that there exists an identity and a subject that requires representation in politics and language.

Judith Butler in an attempt to break free from your traditionally construct identity makes cope for legitimising minority expression and behavioural practices. Heterosexuality, in a  normative form, was done in a way and she questioned the framework of The Identity of the gender function. Her study itself based on psychological criticism, poststructural criticism, monolithic structure of society and gender. Gender is basically one certain to reach into 'a desirous status'. However Butler believes within gender can be coursed with reorienting normative sexuality at whole. But there should be a scope for cohabitation for different sexual practices and gender bending in discourse. 

Traditional Feminism and Butler's Philosophy 

Examining the work of the philosophers Simone de Beauvoir and Lui Irigaray, Butler explores the relationship between power and categories of sex and gender. For Beauvoir, women constitute lack against which main established their identity; for Irigaray, these dialectics belongs to 'signifying economy' that excludes the representation of women alltogether because it employs phallocentric language. Simone de Beauvoir's primary argument is that one is not born as a woman. It is society as a whole that produced the second sex. Motherhood leaves a woman helpless like an animal and make it possible for a man to dominate her. Both assume that there exists a female 'self identical being' in the need of representation and their argument hide the impossibility of being 'a gender' at all. Butler argues that gender is a performative act. In this way, Butler provides an opening for submersive action. A woman is not allowed to be brought up with the same freedom equality as a man does. Butler provides that in a lesbian relationship, one performs as a dad and another as mom, or one as Butch and another Femme. Butler argues that the false distinction introduces a split into the supposedly unified subject. Sexed bodies can not be signified without gender and the apparent existence of sex prior to discourse and cultural imposition is only an affect on the function of Gender.

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